Self-Assessment Essay

December 8,2019

In the fall semester I took a class ,FIQWS, which helped me achieve many course outcomes that developed my views on language and literacy but also helped me develop different sets of skills that helped me write and become a better writer for my phase 1,2 and 3 papers. I think one of the most important things that I have learned during all these 3 phases is the 10 in 1 method which we used for our critical analysis essay because it challenged us to analyze deeply, also challenging me to find different interpretations within the text which helped to “explore and analyze their own and others’ writing a variety of genres and rhetorical situations”, the way in which I have gained an understanding of this is thru the example that I have given,(10 in 1 method), because it helped us explore and analyze the variety of genres and rhetorical situations that were based on our example.

In the beginning of the fall semester in our Topic class, Ms. Miller had us read from our course readings and fill out a rhetorical situation worksheet in which we explored and analyzed different genres and experiences of each of the authors that we read about. The following outcome that we developed when filling out this worksheet is to “Explore and analyze in their own and others writing a variety of genres and rhetorical situations”. This worksheet was helpful in developing this skill because we analyzed deeply in each of the reading,looking for all the details that were important to these rhetorical questions. Also, during all phases I have learned to “develop strategies for reading, revising and editing”; taking advantage of peer review and also tutoring to get feedback on what I could’ve gotten better. The rhetorical situation worksheet helped me develop a set of skills not only to find the purpose of the reading but also to check if the author was a reliable source or not. When revising all of the students including myself had tutoring and we all had Andrew look over our work so that we could’ve edit it and revise it, for revision we also had either Emily or Missy check over our final assignments for each phase in order to have a good paper for our portfolio.

During all of this process of revision and writing we had to cite the websites or sources that we were using, in order to “practice systematic application of citation conventions” and also to get used to this in our Topic class Missy gave us a worksheet to identify the correct citations and the incorrect ones, also in the rhetorical situations we had to write the correct citation of each of the readings, citing the correct name, date and the name of the scholarly journal it was found in. In order to further develop this skill both of the FIQWS instructor, instructed us to try using Purdue owl to help us if we were having trouble citing the online sources we where using so that we can have a reliable source and also to avoid being caught in plagiarism. Another of the course outcome that we satisfied is to “recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations”, I meet this skill requirement by annotating each of course reading because in order to be able to annotate correctly I had to recognize specific key terms that where written. Another example is when we had to fill out a charting worksheet for each of the reading because when we had to interpret what the author was saying we had to use rhetorical terms to rephrase what the quote said and did.

During phase 2 each one of us had to pretend to be one of the different authors of our course readings and I got to be Amy Tan and I had to “develop and engage in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes”, by pretending to be each author we gathered around in a circle all of the 6 different authors had a prompt to discuss and give our own different perspectives and this exercise helped me to write the paper that we had to write for that, this also helped us communicate as a group and we got to socialize with each other to have our writing outcome. In phase 1 we had been assigned with a Literacy Narrative in which we had to write about our experiences with language and at the end of that assignment we had to present and I had to “Understand and use print and digital technologies to address a range of audiences”, different students used PowerPoint presentations, others sang but I printed out my paper but used digital technology in order to print out pictures with the poem I was going to present, and I addressed my group of classmates.

When we were gathering sources we went to the library and a teacher that was there helped us and showed us how to use the computer lab to “Locate research sources (including academia journal articles ,magazine and newspaper articles) in the library’s database or archives and on the internet and evaluate them for credibility, accuracy, and bias”, I believe I have accomplished this course outcome because I have gone to this session twice and it was helpful because we got to rank our sources and look at each of them and see if they were useful enough for our papers. 

    Overall, the fall term outcomes have really helped us keep a sort of checklist to check if we were becoming engaged with each of these goals. From phase 1 to phase 3 we have really  developed these skills and I believe each of these assignments has helped us achieve this.